EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 October
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 22 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-10 & 11][EAR-CD VI].iso
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darkNESs v0.20
A NES emulator for the Amiga
(C)1997 Mark Van Hal
Introduction :
darkNESs is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for the Amiga.
To use it you will need any Amiga with a 68020+ and OS 2.0+, you will also
need ROM image files for the games that you wish to play. These files must
be in .NES format as is used by iNES, NESticle, and other NES emulators on
the PC. Starting with version 0.20 darkNESs is written in 100% asm, and is
much faster then previous versions. Although darkNESs is not the fasted NES
emulator for the Amiga, it is the most compatible, and is the only one that
handles NES games that use split-screen scrolling and bank switching during
the display. It is also the only NES emulator that works with ECS/OCS and
Gfx cards.
Using darkNESs :
To use the GUI :
From WorkBench : Double click on the darkNESs icon.
From the CLI type : darkNESs with no options.
The GUI is simple enough that not much of an explanation is required.
Options that are disabled are either not yet implimented or are unavailable
at the current time, these will become enabled when it is appropreate.
(for example the Start gadget is disabled until a valid .NES file is loaded)
The Screen Mode gadget requires version 39 or better of the asl.library.
When you Quit from the GUI, the settings are stored in S:darkNESs.prefs.
Version 0.20 of darkNESs adds a line based screen refresh mode to the
tile based mode in earlier versions. This mode works best with games
that make changes to the display on every line (like F1-Race) but is
about 10% slower then the tile based mode. It is best to experiment to
see which mode works best for each game (and you can change the mode during
the emulation by pressing F3)
Also new in version 0.20 is Double Buffering, which eliminates screen flicker.
Screen updates are also faster with Double Buffering on.
Note : Double Buffering only works with NTSC and PAL LoRes screenmodes on
the native Amiga display (no Gfx cards) if a NTSC or PAL HiRes or
Super-HiRes screenmode is selected the LoRes version of the mode will be
used. If you turn Double Buffering off, any screenmode can be used
(including Gfx cards).
If you don't want to use the GUI then,
from the CLI type : darkNESs file.nes [-(P|O)] [-F] [-D]
Replace file.nes with the name of the .nes format ROM image file. If the
cartridge uses battery backed memory, then a file with the same name but
with an extension of .SAV instead of .NES will be created the first time
that you use it, and will be used to save the contents of the battery
backed RAM.
The -P or -O options are only of use to NTSC users. Since the NES has a
resolution of 256 x 224, and a standard NTSC LORES screen is 320 x 200,
24 lines of the NES screen would not normally be visible on the screen.
So, by using the -P option, you can run darkNESs in a PAL LORES screen which
has a resolution of 320 x 256, or you can use the -O option which will use
an NTSC LORES screen with overscan to allow you to display the full NES
screen. Note : If you use the -P option, make sure that the PAL monitor
driver is in Devs:Monitors.
The -F option tells the emulator to set the initial frame-skip to 3 (draw
every third frame). This speeds things up a bit, but some games don't look
as good when doing this. The frame-skip can be adjusted with + and - while the
emulator is running.
The -D option turns double buffering on.
darkNESs uses the settings from the S:darkNESs.prefs file unless the
command line options are specified.
Controls :
Once the emulation is running, you can use the following controls :
Cursor Keys - Joypad
LShift or A - Button A
LAlt or Z - Button B
Return or ] - Start
RShift or [ - Select
F1 - Select Controller 1
F2 - Select Controller 2
F3 - Toggle between Tile and Line Refresh Methods
+ - Increase Frame-skip Value
- - Decrease Frame-skip Value
F10 - Reset (you may have to press F10 twice to reset)
Ctrl - Toggle Mirroring (Horizontal/Vertical)
Esc - Exit
Problems :
Unable to open Screen - Not enough chip memory or the default screenmode
in your S:darkNESs.prefs file is not available or you have selected double
buffering and the selected screenmode is not an NTSC or PAL one. If using
the command line options, if you are using the -P option and the PAL monitor
driver is not loaded you will get this message.
Not Enough Memory to Load File - There is not enough memory to load the
ROM image.
File Not Found error message - The ROM image file you specified cannot be
Bad .NES File - The ROM image that you specified is not a valid .NES file.
Unsupported Mapper Type - The ROM image that was loaded uses a MMC
(memory mapper) that is not supported by darkNESs. Currently darkNESs
supports the following MMC's :
0,2,3 - 100% working
1 - 90% working
4 - 70% working
7 - 40% working
9 - works, but not yet perfect
11 - 80% working
No other MMC's are currently supported.
Graphics appear wrong - With ROM images with MMC types 0,2,3 the type of
mirroring that the games uses is stored in the .NES header. If this is
set incorrectly, the graphics may appear wrong. Press Ctrl to change the
type of mirroring, and press F10 to reset the game. If this does not fix
the problem, then it may be that the game is not compatible with darkNESs.
Note : MMC types 1 and 4 automatically set the mirroring to whatever the
game needs, so do not use Ctrl to try to fix these games as it will not
Game doesn't work, or doesn't work correctly - darkNESs v0.20 is still an
early version, and many games still do not work (most of these are due
to unsupported MMC's), and some games do not work correctly (these are
often caused by timing problems or by games using parts of the NES hardware
that are not yet implimented (or not implemented correctly). I am working
on making darkNESs as compatible as possible, but it will take time, so
if a game doesn't work, wait until the next version comes out, and try it
again. Note : There still is one or two bugs in the new CPU emulation
and some games that ran under version 0.13 no longer run (I know of two).
I am working on fixing this.
Support darkNESs :
I have decided to make darkNESs giftware. This means that if you use
darkNESs and like it (or even if you use it and don't like it) that
you should send me a gift. You are under no obligation to send me anything,
but the more gifts that I recieve, the more incentive I will have to work
on new versions, and the less incentive I will have to make darkNESs
shareware (as the other NES emulators for the Amiga are).
Some suggested gifts are :
Money (Canadian or U.S. dollars only) - Money is always good...
Software/Hardware - If you have any old Amiga software or hardware
send it to me.
Registered Shareware - If you are the author of any Shareware for
the Amiga, send me a registered copy.
PD/Freeware - If you have written any good PD or Freeware programs
send me a copy on disk.
Postcard - A cheap and easy gift.
E-Mail - If a postcard is out of your price range, then send me
an E-Mail message.
My address is :
Mark Van Hal
80 Delroy Dr.
Etobicoke, Ont.
The Future :
I plan on fixing bugs and adding new features to make darkNESs the best
NES emulator available for any computer.
Note : If anyone has any technical documentation on the NES (other than
the ones by Marat Fayzullin and Y0SHI) please contact me by E-Mail at :
(This will change soon)
Note : Do NOT send me E-Mail asking for ROM images or complaining that
a game doesn't work, you will not get any ROM images from me, and I know
about most games that don't work.
Credits :
Marat Fayzullin - For the NES documentation and the 6502 emulation that
was used in versions before 0.20
Without which darkNESs would have taken much longer to develope.
Paul Robson - For releasing the source to NESA, his NES emulator for the PC,
from which I borrowed (stole) the palette.
Craig Howard - For creating the icon for darkNESs.
Y0SHI - For his NESTECH.DOC which is a great source of info on the NES.
Mark Knibbs - For providing me with lots of useful bug reports and
"Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, then
came darkNESs." - JOB 30:26